Friday, April 30, 2010

Coming Full Circle

I have to admit I may have shed a tear or two as I gave a final look at my office building in India.

I have met so many wonderful people, learned so many new things, and had so many experiences I'll never forget.  My coworkers have been so kind and made me feel so welcome.  These few months have been among the best in my career, needless to say the best of my life.

A few minutes later I shed a few tears of a different sort when my driver, spotting a jam up ahead, casually whipped the car around and gave me a second final look at my office building in India.  Then off we headed into oncoming traffic.

Yeah, that sounds about right.


I most likely won't be blogging for the next two weeks while I'm trekking in Nepal.  Once I'm back in my home country, chances are I'll pick up again and try to share some of the stories I still have buzzing around my head which still haven't been told.  There are still so many photos, so many moments, and I don't quite feel like I'm done writing yet.  Besides, at the very least I need to share my photos of Mt. Everest.

So, watch this space, and until then . . . Namaste!

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