Sunday, May 23, 2010

Sharing the Road

A really exciting thing happened while I was abroad.  The city of Boston installed new bike lanes.

This is great news for those of us who enjoy a good cycle every now and again.  Granted, they installed bike lanes which require crossing two lanes of traffic to use, and Boston drivers are notoriously territorial and aggressive towards bikers, but in theory it's a welcome development.

It could be worse.  It reminds me of the time I noticed there were bike lanes in India.  On my commute to work, we passed by a set of rental bikes at the head of a bike-only lane set off from the main road by a small, raised median.

"Wow," I said to my American friend.  "How long do you think it will take for cars to start using that?"

I had barely closed my mouth when a little blue Tata hopped the curb, scattered a few cyclists, and went puttering away.

It's funny coming back to American traffic, because I've been so desensitized by the absolute chaos of Delhi roads. Yesterday, walking home from dinner, my boyfriend turned around to see what had been causing a flurry of horns.  I kept right on walking, without noticing a thing. Later, while crossing the street, I must have challenged some lady's assumptions about how much space is necessary for pedestrians.  As I waited by the curb, she stopped in the absolute middle of the intersection to glare at me.  I was apparently just enough "in the road" to be "in her way".  I don't think that honk I got was a friendly one.

I think it will be some time before I actually use the bike lanes in Boston.  Just to be safe.

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